31 days – 19 My worst habits

Come sit with me! Let’s share.

sitting woman drinking coffee
Photo by mentatdgt on Pexels.com

Drinking Frozen Coffee

By far the worst habit that I have is drinking too much frozen coffee.  I like to get Dunkin Donuts’ frozen coffees, but they are the absolute worst thing for you. The only thing I could be doing that’s worse for my body would be smoking cigarettes. When I get stressed out my body wants to go straight for the sugar injections and the chocolate.  The frozen coffees give me both. It’s too bad that nearly everything in my life right now is causing me huge amounts of anxiety.  If I could get away from this one habit, I could probably start to lose all the weight I’ve managed to gain because of anxiety drinking.

burger with fried fries on black plate with sauce on the side
Photo by Valeria Boltneva on Pexels.com

Eating Too Much

I love food but unfortunately I have a crappy metabolic rate. I’ve been seeing a nutritionist, and one of the things that she recommended to me was that I start using a smaller plate when I eat a meal.  Our plates are probably about 12″ in diameter, but what I should be using is a 9″ plate, which we do have.  Whenever I eat comfort foods, I tend to go back for seconds and thirds etc.  This is my second worst problem, and I am actually starting to work on this a little bit. We do have the plates and it is actually somewhat more convenient to use them with meals. I always thought it was a bit daunting to eat the portions of vegetables that the good diets say you’re supposed to eat, i.e. 1/2 your plate, but with a 9″ plate those portions aren’t so bad, and the protein and carb portions are still large enough to be filling.

selective focus photography of woman in pink shirt
Photo by Nathan Cowley on Pexels.com

Not Exercising

The third part of my problem with my weight is my sedentary lifestyle.  I just don’t exercise.  I find it really boring.  I’ve tried various ways to make it interesting, and nothing ever really sticks.  I bought some gymnastics rings and hung them up in our garage, but I’m not really strong enough to use them for anything fun yet.  I did get into jogging for a while, but I was living with my parents in a  pretty small town and there was a state park really close by.  I could ride my bike down to the park and they had one road that was nearly perfectly 3.1 miles or 5km.  That was pretty fun running out in nature like that.  Unfortunately, my wife and I live in a slightly more populated area and there isn’t really anywhere like that within a reasonable distance that I can go to anymore.  I would really like to get back into running because it seems like it was the one thing that was able to engage me.  I think perhaps I need to just look for a place to run and load up my phone with some tunes or spend some data on spotify or something.

Thanks for sitting with me.  If you have any suggestions on how I can get back into exercising or you want to tell your own stories about how you got back into exercising or a good diet routine, please leave a comment!

4 thoughts on “31 days – 19 My worst habits

  1. Couch to 5 k seems to work for many but to be honest food is my one big downfall and I comfort eat all the time. Have no time or even the urge to excersize but might start swimming


    1. I feel you on the comfort eating. It’s the worst of the worst reasons, but I’ve recently had some success in curbing my eating habits a bit because I got sick with a toddler disease! I’m eating way way less now than I was before. I was motivated by the bug to eat next to nothing for about two days when I had a fever going, but after that, I noticed how ridiculously far I could get on a ridiculously small amount of food.


  2. Running has hugely transformed my mental health. I had no idea what I was doing when I started 2.5 months ago. I just got out into my neighborhood and ran… just 1/4 mile at first, then 1/2, and before I knew it, I ran a full 5k, and just last week I made it 5 miles! I love the app MapMyRun. My FitBit is also super helpful for motivation!


    1. I’ve been looking into fitbits for awhile now and I don’t seem to be any closer to getting one. I think it’s the range of functions that is holding me back. I only have the money for the cheap version, but I want all the functionality of the more expensive ones. I think I could probably do all of it on my phone using free apps as well.

      What do you do for music when you run? Do you use your phone?


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